NACSO members are categorised as either full members or associate members. Associate members include organisations and individuals.
Rossing Foundation

The Rössing Foundation undertakes a broad range of activities across a wide spectrum of community development areas ranging from Agriculture, Local Authority support, Small and Medium Enterprises, Youth skill Development, Education, Small Scale mining and Community-Based Natural and Resource Management.
Kavango Regional Conservancy Association (KRCA)
Independent organisation comprised of registered and emerging conservancies in the Kavango region acting as a representative umbrella body.
Kunene Regional Community Conservancy Association (KCCA)
Independent organisation comprised of registered and emerging conservancies in the Kunene region acting as a representative umbrella body.
Otjozondjupa Regional Conservancy Association (ORCA)
Independent organisation comprised of registered and emerging conservancies in the Otjozondjupa region acting as a representative umbrella body.
Southern Kunene Regional Association (SKRA)
Increasing the sustainability of the conservancy programme in southern Kunene by creating a platform where members can discuss issues and share best practices.